Week of May 20-26
A spark of love and happiness is all it takes to set us free this week. Truths kept inside will make their way into conversation with lovers, friends, and family leading up to the Scorpio eclipse on the 26th. As eclipse seasons bring powerful changes to our doorstep, Venus frolics in a meadow of flowers and continues to make us warm, effervescent, and pleasure seeking until the end of this week. Our enjoyment of life will be hard to ignore and with this lunar eclipse in Scorpio, so is our growing desire to sink deep into the pleasures of our sexuality. This can put a wild spin on finances and although there may be unexpected spending in the enjoyment love and fun, some unexpected gains can occur just as well. Those in relationships will experience the ending of a difficult phase of dissatisfaction in love while those who are single are likely to meet their twin flame or soul mate and fall in love. This is a week where values around stability, happiness, truth, and sex, are revealed and made real by action as we want to love and be loved. The latter half of the week can bring some disappointments that’ll be difficult to work through but this will only last a few days and thereafter, a much happier phase begins laced with a variety of blessings.
The senses are still the main doorways to our sē.xual experiences this week and we crave strong, stable, spiritual connections of the soul mate kind. Sē.xual energy this week strikes a perfect balance between sensual and spiritual, fusing deep bonds to last a lifetime. Clear Quartz help amplify sensual sensitivity, unleash vaginal wisdom and activate the crown chakra making us more subtle to spiritual connections.
Overindulging in sweets or fried foods is likely during this week and tapering their consumption will reduce any bloating and indigestion associated with this. Keeping as fresh a diet as possible with whole grains, watermelon, papaya, mangoes, and root vegetables like malanga, squash, and tubers provide clean nutrition and easy digestion during this transit that affects digestion. Stews made with ginger and herbs like anise star and chamomile support digestive function as well. Wearing shades of red, pinks, greens, and variegated colors are recommended during this period and the pearl is the beneficial precious stone associated with this week, attracting emotional openness, stability in love, and sincerity.
With Love, Dr. V
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