September 6, 2021 - Leo New Moon, Sideral Astrology
September begins with a shift in our perception in handling of money and relationships and as we approach the Leo new moon on September 6th, we’ll become more aware of creative ideas that’ve been sitting in the back of our minds or endeavors we’ve been heavily contemplating but haven’t had the opportunity to develop or materialize. This moon brings us rest, rejuvenation, affection, and passive creativity placing an emphasis on material attainments and their enjoyment. Luxuries are treats through this moon phase and difficult to turn away from as our natural desire to seek entertainment and amusement after a period of striving to fulfill worldly duties and responsibilities. Seeking entertainment and rejuvenation with family, friends, and children is a special and uplifting part of September. Visiting a museum, traveling to see family, and engaging in all things artistic are all part of this new moon’s energy and invites new love and creative opportunities into our life and will help us see our personal situations from a slightly different perspective.
Venus enters Libra at the time of this new moon, highlighting relationships and throughout this phase, we’ll learn things about ourselves from our friends, family, and partners that cause some sort of pain or hurt feelings with a cathartic release. At or before mid-month, coming to terms with the materialistic aspects of life that have impeded spiritual growth will be followed by the inspiration to cut unnecessary behaviors that stunt spiritual growth and create disequilibrium. Within relationships, this will play out as preservation through the cutting away of unnecessary or toxic behaviors, people, places, or things and such. The possibility of a break-up due to recent infidelity is high if those in partnerships don’t reconcile. Individually, this is about using our energy wisely. Making modest investments, saving money, and preserving peace and harmony within relationships is the overall theme for Venus most of this month which will have a nice balancing impact on intimacy shared between two people. Those who are single or recently separated will experience a strong sense of who they are, what they want, and how to communicate it going forward in their new circumstances and experiences. September brings financial luck and changes that are aligned with our spirituality and will reflect a great deal on all our relationships.
With love, Dr. V
Astrologer and Writer
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