April 2021 - Week of 8-14
As we move into the second week of April, Venus moves into Aries and the transformation we’ve experienced in love comes is over. Wish fulfillments within our relationships and workplace occur now and we’re ready to move on to a new phase in both, leaving behind negative thoughts and any sense of low self-esteem associated with our creative abilities. The new moon in Pisces on April 11 quietly reveals a new path we’re ready to devote ourselves to and has much to do with our individual spiritual ascension. All the while this week, Venus receives support from Jupiter and Mars, creating a special flow of love and money that helps restore stability in our personal lives and creative endeavors. This is a wonderful time of healing and meeting new love interests for those who’ve recently undergone separations.
For couples, this is a time to have difficult conversations, express our feelings, and stand up for ourselves about recent difficulties which can make this a short period of confrontation. Great stones to aid in this period are Blue Aventurine and Fire Quartz. Blue stones in general are great to balance and enhance the throat chakra, therefore expression, and Fire Quartz works to remove barriers to understanding when seeking to communicate with the heart, facilitating communication between lovers. Thoughts about marriage, children, and new ideas continue to find their way into conversations until the 10th of April with a strong determination to move forward from loss and past disappointments in positive ways. Though these talks can be confrontational, it’s best to resist hasty words and seek guidance from an important person if life altering decisions need to be made. Lovemaking becomes soulful, hard, fast, and slightly kinky and brings a desire for foot play, push-pulling, licking, and biting in the bedroom... or maybe even some BumBum (anal) exploration.
Physical exhaustion turns into a burst of positive energy after the new moon on the 12th and Venus and Sun in Aries bring up pent up passions to be outwardly express, giving sensuality a slightly aggressive edge. Sexy red lingerie, lipstick and shoes show out our confidence and even though this edge aspect of us may feel a little risky for some, the suggestion is to take a chance on this energy, explore it, and enjoy it.
All fresh fruits, especially red one like watermelon, strawberries, cherries, and other berries nourish the heart and are the right match to increase the libido and refresh our bodies after a heavy emotional period. Blood red and other shades of red are recommended during this period while Carnelian, Ruby, and Yellow Sapphire will all stimulate confidence and other positive aspects of this transit as well as benefit those experiencing difficulties during this time.
With Love, Dr. V
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