VENUS IN WANDERLAND - Week of April 22-28, 2021

VENUS IN WANDERLAND - Week of April 22-28, 2021

Week of April 22-28
Enter the fourth week of April and relationships are facing evaluations. There’s an overlap of selfishness and selflessness that hasn’t yet found proper balance due to a lack of trust or communication breakdowns that’ve caused misunderstandings. Venus, still transiting Aries, maintains a slightly guarded disposition in relationships and finances which makes us slightly secretive and protective about creative endeavors. However, that being said, her transit here inspires us to fight for love internally and were inspired to take right action and work on correcting negative and wrongful past behavior. Femininity is the highlight during the last part of April and surprises in love through the week are likely to occur.
The month ends with a full moon in Libra on April 26th that brings balance within our relationships and much needed peace as we adjust to the pleasures and pains of our relationship changes. Now may be a good time to connect with Black Obsidian to release any negative energies no longer needed and to create an energy clearing ritual for your crystals.
There’s a strong need to be practical throughout the last week of April that influences sex and intimacy in a simple and matter-of-fact way. We become responsible and devoted towards others’ need for intimacy, affection, and sexual satisfaction. This builds trust in new relationships and repairs trust issues in established one’s going through difficulties. Physically, we maintain the carnal sexual edge of Aries, however experience more sensual pleasure through the exchange of sensations enhanced by soft sensual touch, and the use of silky, smooth toys.
All deep red foods like beets, berries, cherries, plums, and tomatoes nourish the heart and blood during this phase white foods like steamed white rice, oatmeal, citrus, and apples help relieve tension and regulate body temperature. Red, whites, and blacks are recommended during this period while diamonds and hessonite garnet (Gomedha) stimulate elegance, balanced power, and protect from negative energies as well as benefiting those experiencing difficulties during this time.
With Love, Dr. V
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