Welcome to Venus in Wanderland 2.0!


Venus in Wanderland: Nurture Yourself Back to Wholeness

Basking in the love and nurturance of the Cancer sun, with wild + rowdy Venus in Gemini settling for nothing less than having all the options, we gear up towards a powerful transformative full moon in Capricorn on July 13th.   Featuring a flow of energy between Venus and Saturn, this full moon comes jam-packed with the pleasure of our efforts bearing fruits that fulfill the soul. This aspect has Venus inviting you to commit deeper to your relationships, to your pleasure. She gives you permission to say "yes" to those more traditional norms you uphold. Whatever issues may be coming up in your relationships, the invitation to talk things through (Gemini Venus) leads to stable conflict resolution and freedom...

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Venus in Wanderland: Fall down the pleasure rabbit hole of adventurous excitement

We have officially moved into a new astrological season with the advent of the Sun moving into Cancer on the summer solstice back of the 21st. In the Northern Hemisphere, this means summer has officially begun!   Even though Cancer energy is reserved, compassionate, nurturing and, for the most part, subdued, Venus is still green in her journey through Gemini, meaning she's in her curious element of trying/doing all the things before she settles down for an inward journey later in July, when she herself moves into Cancer.   On June 28th, we experience the New Moon in Cancer , which also features a magical activation of Venus in Gemini sextile to Jupiter in Aries. Your relationships get to be...

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Venus in Wanderland: Soften into Your Boundaries & Speak Your Desires

In the next two weeks, Venus finds herself amidst a cacophony of energies as she contacts several of her stellar brethren. On the 11th, Venus forms a conjunction with revolutionary rebel Uranus in Taurus, highlighting our desires to disrupt the status quo. Whatever or whomever in our lives stands in the way of our unique expression and how we choose to take care of our resources, has gotta go…   This energy comes just in time for the Full Moon in Sagittarius a few days later on the 14th, giving us the platform to release the chains that bind our inner rebel so we may expand into new belief systems.   Afterward, as the moon wanes in energy, the Goddess...

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Welcome to Gemini season! The sign of the Twins, the Lovers, duality, communication, and multiple perspectives, brings a surge of mental activity. As we move through to the end of the month, Mercury, which has been in retrograde in its home sign of Gemini and then Taurus, completes its retrograde cycle bringing forth much desired mental clarity & focus.   Our goddess and queen of the show, Venus, moves into its home sign of Taurus on the 28th, heightening our sensory experience of ourselves and the world. Yes, we've been deep in the Taurus field of physical awareness throughout the year. There is a shift in cosmic energy that makes this felt Taurus energy different, however. As we continue to...

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As we move through eclipse season in the signs of Venus-ruled Taurus and Scorpio with as much grace as we can muster, Venus receives a much needed dose of reality.   Mercury went retrograde on May 10th in its home sign of Gemini and will later revert back into Taurus on the 22nd. As is true with all Mercury retrogrades, this one especially is a moment to take a mental step back, expect delays, and think before you act. Make all efforts to slow down mental activity as mental clarity is at an all time low.   On the 15th (or the wee hours of the morning of the 16th) we have a Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio as well as a...

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